About The Company
FREY has conducted over 1,500 environmental assessments and remediation projects. During FREY’s nineteen years of operation the primary focus of our work has been the assessment and remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil and groundwater.
Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund
Many of our client’s projects are funded by the SWRCB UST Cleanup Fund (the Fund). In these instances, FREY has provided a limited guarantee for UST Cleanup Fund work, which allows our clients to only pay FREY when they are paid by the Fund, and to only pay the amount that they are reimbursed by the Fund. This agreement results in no out of pocket expense to the client.
Former Hampton Hotel, Cambria, CA
FREY began assessment and interim remedial action work on this property in 2003. A petroleum hydrocarbon plume with MTBE
concentrations up to 2,500 ppb existed at the property and had migrated off-site to the south toward Santa Rosa Creek (located approximately 400 feet south of the site) and two production wells, used for drinking water and irrigation on a nearby ranch. Due to the proximity of the release to Santa Rosa Creek and the production wells the case was placed on the RWQB – Central Coast Region’s high priority clean-up list. Assessment of the vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbons was subsequently conducted by advancing cone penetromer test (CPT) borings to accurately define deeper water-bearing zones and hydro-punch groundwater samples were collected. The results of the vertical assessment activities concluded that remediation of MTBE in deeper water bearing zones was required. Several discrete depth monitoring/extraction wells were subsequently installed for this purpose. With this information FREY conducted the remediation necessary to achieve case closure with the RWCQB – Central Coast Region.
Former Sewer Plant
FREY was retained by a real estate developer to provide environmental consulting and oversight of the demolition, assessment, and remediation of a former sewer plant. Regulatory oversight was provided by the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). The DTSC typically requires rigorous standards for sampling and analysis for environmental compliance. FREY collected and analyzed nearly 700 soil samples from the 60 acre site. FREY concluded that approximately 35 acres of mainly surficial soil was contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins. FREY estimated that nearly 200,000 tons of soil would need to be excavated and transported off-site for disposal to accommodate future residential home development.
Superfund Site
FREY was retained by an attorney representing a metal fabrication facility. The site was required to take part in a comprehensive environmental clean up and liability act (Superfund) assessment and remediation. The Superfund proceedings required attendance at a number of meetings and presentations.
FREY conducted a facility audit, a 120-point soil gas survey, and installed four groundwater monitoring wells as well as twelve nested vapor extraction wells across the 3-acre facility. A soil vapor extraction remediation system was designed and installed which reduced concentrations of volatile organic compounds from 250,000 ppb to non-detect levels in less than three years of operation. In addition, the operation of the vapor extraction unit reduced concentrations of volatile organic compounds in groundwater to levels below maximum contaminant levels.
According to attorneys familiar with the approximate 20 responsible parties in the East San Gabriel Valley Superfund Group, the Site, which FREY investigated and remediated, was estimated to be ‘in the top quarter of the most contaminated sites.’ Concentrations of VOCs were reduced to acceptable levels at the site for costs of twenty to forty percent less than the other ‘most contaminated sites.’
Commercial Dry Cleaner
The facility burned to the ground in the early 1980’s. An above ground storage tank released an estimated 2,000 gallons of dry cleaning solvent into the soil and groundwater as the result of the fire. FREY advised the client to obtain oversight from the Voluntary Clean Up Program administered by the Regional Water Quality Control Board – Los Angeles Region (RWQCB-LA) as opposed to the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC). The cost to enroll with the RWQCB-LA was approximately 10% of the cost to enroll with the DTSC.
Assessment activities included a 44 soil gas probe survey and the drilling and sampling of 19 soil borings. Six of the soil borings were converted to triple nested vapor extraction wells completed at depths of approximately 65 feet below the ground service. Four of the vapor extraction wells were drilled and installed inside of the building while commercial laundry remained in operation. It is estimated that installing the vapor wells during the initial phase of drilling saved the client between $10,000 and $15,000. FREY installed a soil vapor extraction system to remove chlorinated solvents from subsurface soils. The vapor extraction system has operated for approximately two years and has reduced PCE concentrations in soil vapor from 57,000 ug/L to 17 ug/L. A soil vapor intrusion survey recently performed for the site concluded that no significant risk was present to workers inside the building.
A total of twenty-one groundwater monitoring wells have been installed at the site and in parcels surrounding the site. The lateral area of groundwater impacted with chlorinated solvents such as PCE and TCE is estimated to cover seven acres. FREY is currently finalizing a feasibility study which evaluates potential groundwater remediation techniques such as soil vapor extraction with air sparging, groundwater pump and treat, sodium permanganate injection, and bacteria injection.