FREY operates and maintains 70 remedial units including vapor extraction units (positive displacement or regenerative blowers), air sparge compressors, high vacuum dual phase extraction units (liquid ring pumps), ozone sparge units, and groundwater pump and treat compressors.
Vapor Extraction Units
FREY owns and operates 30 vapor extraction units, including thermal/catalytic hydrocarbon destruction units and carbon absorption units manufactured by Thermtech, Frontier, Baker, Global and Bisco. The systems have the capacity to operate at up to 500 scfm and can be deployed in multiples for more capacity.
Sparge Units
FREY owns and operates 31 Frontier, Kerfoot, and Sirco air and ozone sparge 5-10 H.P. units capable of sparging up to 25 psi. The units can be ran concurrently to increase sparge capacity. FREY generally operates air sparge in conjunction with vapor extraction units.
High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction Units
FREY owns and operates 6 high vacuum dual phase extraction units, including thermal/catalytic hydrocarbon destruction units and carbon absorption units manufactured by Frontier and Bisco. The systems have the capacity to operate at up to 150 scfm.
Pump and Treat Compressors
FREY owns and operates eight Kaeser air compressors utilized to operate down well pneumatic groundwater pumps to be used in conjunction with carbon absorption to treat and dispose impacted groundwater.